Month: November 2019

Are You Reaching Your Ideal Customers? Tips for Targeting the Right Prospects

Are You Reaching Your Ideal Customers? Tips for Targeting the Right Prospects Increase Visibility

Not everyone is a prospect for your business. We often hear businesses say that they want to go after anyone who may be interested in their products or services. Mistake! Every business has people that are most likely to buy their products and services. Those groups of people are your target market. Think of it like a […]

measuring ROI in marketing

measuring ROI in marketing Google ads can get you more search engine visibility

How Do You Measure ROI? ROI stands for return on investment. Marketing ROI is measuring the return on investment from the amount you spend on marketing. It is used to determine the return of a specific marketing strategy, or your overall marketing plan. Marketing is a significant expense for most companies, and you want to […]

Are you doing the right things in marketing

Are you doing the right things in marketing Doing the right things in marketing

How do I know which marketing strategies to choose? How do you know what marketing strategies to choose? There’s a TON of them out there! What happens if you choose the wrong strategy? Low or no results in your marketing efforts. Knowing which strategies are the right strategies is an imperative piece of your marketing […]

Guide to Making Good Content

Guide to Making Good Content how do you market your business best

There’s no better long-term strategy than content marketing. SEO and Social Media marketing are also effective at building good, long-term results, but your content will influence almost every other marketing strategy you could use. Content Marketing is “…a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain […]

Difference Between Display Ads and Other Ad Formats

Difference Between Display Ads and Other Ad Formats Effective lead magnet ideas

Aren’t all ads display ads? Not really. There are lots of different kinds of advertising. For our purposes, we’re going to paint this picture with a broad stroke. Display advertising is any kind of advertising that a consumer sees that normally wouldn’t be there. There is a lot of content advertising, meaning that the advertising […]

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Business

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Business What's the best social media

With all these social media options, which one do I choose? Everybody is always talking about how important it is to be on social media. The problem is that there are so many different types of social media, it can be overwhelming to choose and time-consuming to try too many. So what do you do? […]

Increasing Online Visibility

Increasing Online Visibility What do you want to accomplish

Brand and business visibility is all about awareness and engagement. Awareness is about being seen. Your potential customer’s ability to recognize or recall your brand is necessary for purchasing decision-making. A sale cannot happen unless a person is first aware of a product they want or need and then a brand that offers it. Not only is […]

The Importance of Outsourcing for Small Business Growth

The Importance of Outsourcing for Small Business Growth Importance of Outsourcing

Before we get into the intricacies of where you need to get started with your marketing, let’s talk for just a minute about the importance of outsourcing to your business. You could spend thousands of hours researching out the ideal solutions for the challenges you are facing or you could get expert help and guidance. […]