Email Marketing: Tips and Strategies

Written messages have been used to communicate amongst people since the dawn of time. Communication has come a long way from drawings on cave walls, paper notes carried by doves, holiday postcards brought home by a postman. We have entered the era where the latest form of written communication is a business email generated by a computer.

In the United States, workers check their email for 6.3 hours a day. That is a lot, right? Making sure your message was delivered is more difficult than ever! The goal of any email is to keep your reader engaged and, ultimately, guide them to your website.

How To Run An Email Marketing Campaign Like a Pro

To become an email marketing campaign pro, here are nine tips you should follow:

  1. You Should Judge Your Emails By Their Subject Lines

The first thing your recipient notices is your email’s subject line. Depending on how effective that phrase is, they will either open your mail or ignore it.

Your email subject line should be:

  • Catchy: Make it attractive by making it stand out from the crowd.
  • Simple: Tell the receiver what they can expect from your message. Disappointing someone is pretty easy, but so much more difficult to increase trust.
  • Short: Receivers should be able to read the entire line from their mailbox (up to 50 characters)
  • Promising: Show a sneak look at your call to action button 
  • Emotional: Enthuse and motivate your readers, as customer engagement is a crucial element of email marketing.

Pro Tip: Take a glance through your inbox and see which subject lines capture your notice. Then try to imitate that style.

  1. You Should Make Your Design Attractive and Functional  

Choosing the correct color scheme, fonts, and integrating high-quality photographs are all important aspects of email design. 

However, there are a few things to keep in mind to promote engagement:

  • Call-to-action: Place the buttons in a prominent location and make them stick out.
  • Links: The optimal approach is to simply have one link, but you can include more if it is necessary). Rather than using a plain link, try incorporating it into a button.
  • Content: Keep each email to one subject and be as direct as possible.
  • Image: Include a graphic that highlights the content of your email. High-quality photographs are recommended, but excessively large photos should be avoided; it’s a shame to have a gorgeous image that doesn’t load.
  • Font: Choose a readable typeface; the Serif family is frequently the best choice.

To begin, determine the aim of your email before selecting a template. Several email marketing solutions include a variety of professionally designed templates to assist you in getting started.

  1. You Shouldn’t Play With Your Receivers’ Patience

Because the typical person’s attention span is eight seconds, your email should be brief and to the point.

  1. You Should Schedule Your Emails To Show You Care

The receivers should feel that they are your only customer. To achieve such a state, you could set in advance some of your emails to create the impression of exclusivity. To ensure you’re ready for forthcoming holidays and events, consider creating a content calendar. Who doesn’t enjoy getting a birthday email, especially if it contains a nice coupon?

Customization Tip: Address recipients by their first name, and sign off with your name.

  1. You Should Read This Now

If you are still reading this, that suggests our CTA was successful. If you want your recipients to act upon something, you have to ask them. We tend to take fewer acts when we have more possibilities.

You may notice that your website’s traffic will increase after including even one compelling CTA in your email marketing campaigns. Classic examples of effective CTAs include “Sign Up for Free,” “Buy Now,” and “Claim Your Free Trial.” Make sure your CTA stands out visually from the rest of your email to get the most hits.

  1. You Should Set Up a Safe Landing Page

Most business owners consider that their homepage should be the most prominent spot to direct their call to action. But that’s incorrect. Your lovely home page is chock-full of information that may or may not be relevant to the email you just sent. 

As an email creator, you should make your receivers’ lives as simple as possible. The best answer for your TMI (too much information) is a precise destination.

A landing page could be one of the following examples:

  • One of the pages on your website;
  • A press release page;
  • A product page;
  • A blog article;
  • A dedicated landing page;
  • A page related to your email topic.
  1. You Should Make Your Content King

Content may also be a queen! If it is relevant, authentic, and engaging. Understanding your target audience and changing your writing style properly is one of the secrets to creating amazing content:

  • Write as if you’re speaking directly to them, and keep it simple and appropriate.
  • Avoid using technical phrases that they may not be familiar with. If it’s necessary, include an explanation soon after.
  • Less is more in this case.
  • To preserve professionalism, keep your tone consistent across your communications.
  1. You Should Do Your Research

Knowing who your consumers are is essential to understanding your company. To figure out who is receiving your emails, you’ll need to perform some research to find out what their hobbies are, where they live, and other facts such as their gender and age.

Are you unsure how to go about acquiring this data? There are a few programs that can assist you in analyzing your readership; we suggest Google Analytics.

To perfect the art of sending the finest emails, there is a variety of email marketing KPIs to consider. Experimentation is the name of the game! Experiment with subject lines, CTAs, and the timing of your emails; the ability to send an email at the perfect time can make or break its success. Determine the optimal times of day and days of the week for your target demographic and adjust your schedule accordingly.

  1. You Should Set It and Forget It

Now that you’ve mastered the art of sending the perfect email, there’s one more tool that can help you master everything!

Make use of email automation tools to ensure that you never forget to send a generic email to your subscribers. You might be wondering how this works. 

Email marketing automation allows you to schedule an email to be sent in specific situations, such as:

  • Thanking your website visitors for getting in touch with you.
  • Giving a friendly welcome to new subscribers.
  • Acknowledging your customer for purchasing something.
  • Inviting your clients to check out what’s fresh in your online store.

Bottom Line

You must be online if you own a small business. You may easily and inexpensively construct a website to showcase your craft. But that’s only the beginning; you’ll also need to attract high-quality traffic from the proper demographic. Email marketing provides you with access to a reader’s most private place, making it the most effective form of communication available. If you want to become an email marketing pro but you don’t know where to start, reach out to us. We are here to help!


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